Our all time best seller. You can now try our pure and enhanced cacao without Contains 1- 1oz packets: Boundless Belize.
UPLIFT -Neuromodulators and neuro reuptake-inhibitors in cacao support a stable and elevated mood that lasts.
ENERGIZE -Theobromine gently energizes and helps with coffee reduction or replacement.
NOURISH -High mineral density in cacao replenishes deficiencies so you can be optimally healthy
INSPIRE -Cacao ceremony begins with mindfulness, gratitude, and intention. Practice at home to deepen your relationship.
Ceremonial Cacao refers to a premium grade, pure cacao that is ethically sourced from small family farms practicing regenerative agroforestry.
Ceremonial cacao is made from a single ingredient, whole cacao beans, with nothing added or removed. When you drink cacao with intention and gratitude, you engage in reciprocity with this beautiful medicine.
Step 1 - Combine between 20 cacao discs (0.8oz) to 25 cacao discs (1.0oz) with a touch of sweetener (or drink pure)
Step 2 - Add 3/4 cup (6oz) hot water, tea, or mylk ~ 180°F
Step 3 - Use a blender or electric frother to mix for 10 seconds. This creates much better texture than just stirring.